Quotes From "Betrayal" By Mayandree Michel

If I had a nickel for every time I'd wished I possessed the power to alter another person's mind, I'd be knee deep in nickels. Mayandree Michel
To know one's future is the single most destructive way of ending your life before you've lived it." - Altheon (Betrayal- Fey Court Trilogy) Cyndi Goodgame
Don't worry, Evie; my heart isn't broken, only bruised. Gillian Shields
The President was in seventh heaven when he heard himself being teased like this; he strutted about and thrust his chest out; never did a man of the robe stick out his neck so far, not even one who has just hanged a man. Marquis De Sade
We magistrates find that reason is the easiest thing in the world to dispense with; banished from our law courts as it is from our heads, we delight in trampling it underfoot, and that is what makes our judicial sentences such masterpieces, since (although commonsense never presides in them) those sentences are carried out with as much firmness as if people knew what they actually meant. Marquis De Sade
When a man loves a woman, as our old troubadours used to say, even if he has heard or seen something that puts his beloved in a bad light, he should believe neither his ears nor his eyes, he should listen to his heart alone. Marquis De Sade
Where was my guardian angel when I needed him most? If only I knew. A. Esquivel
He still had his eyes on me, and it occurred to me that he was thinking the same thing as I was; that I was very underdressed to be here. I needed to leave, and quickly. But I didn't know how to say goodbye... A. Esquivel
He, being hacked and cut for three solid quarters of an hour by the vigorous hands that had taken charge of his education, was soon nothing but a single wound, from which blood spurted out on all sides. Marquis De Sade
I think I've found someone with who I want to spend my life with and that person... Isn't you. A. Esquivel